When considering a vision correction procedure like LASIK, one question almost universally arises, “Does LASIK surgery hurt?” This concern is understandable. After all, the eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body. However, fear of pain should not deter you from pursuing clearer vision.

At Brinton Vision, we are dedicated to one goal: changing lives through the priceless gift of sight. We understand the fears and apprehensions you may have about undergoing laser vision correction. It’s natural to feel anxiety about potential pain or discomfort. We’re not just experts in our field; we’re human beings who empathize with your worries. Rest assured, our responses to your concerns about LASIK surgery are grounded in thorough research, years of hands-on professional experience, and a track record of countless successful patient journeys. We’re here not just to provide a service but to accompany you every step of the way on your path to better vision.

The LASIK Procedure: Is It Painful?

To put it simply, LASIK is not a painful procedure. One of the first and most essential steps of a LASIK procedure is the application of anesthetic eye drops prior to the surgery. This local anesthesia ensures that patients typically feel no eye pain during the procedure. What does LASIK feel like? Some patients report a sense of mild pressure or slight discomfort but rarely anything that would be described as pain.

The procedure itself is quick, often completed within 10 to 15 minutes for both eyes. After local anesthetic is administered, the surgeon creates a thin flap on the surface of the cornea, lifts it, and then uses an excimer laser to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. The flap is then repositioned, where it adheres naturally and heals over time.

The part of the process where patients might feel slight discomfort is when the surgeon uses a device to stabilize the eye. This may cause brief sensation `of pressure, but it’s typically mild and lasts only a short period.

Patients may also experience a brief period of dimmed vision during the procedure. This can be disconcerting but is an expected part of the process, and generally returns to normal almost immediately after the procedure. After undergoing LASIK surgery at Brinton Vision, many of our patients report a significant enhancement in their visual perception, experiencing the world with a clarity and sharpness that glasses or contact lenses simply couldn’t provide.

The Life-Changing Impact of LASIK

While the prospect of LASIK eye surgery may be nerve-wracking, it’s important to understand all of the life-changing benefits of the procedure.

LASIK eye treatments have a high success rate and are known to significantly improve the quality of life. The procedure can eliminate dependence on corrective lenses, offering you the freedom to engage in activities without worrying about glasses or contacts. Imagine waking up with clear vision, participating in sports without the fear of losing a contact lens, or traveling light without packing extra glasses and contacts.

In addition, the increased self-confidence and broadened opportunities resulting from improved vision are hard to quantify. LASIK vision correction surgery doesn’t just change how you see—it can change how you live.

Minimizing Discomfort with Brinton Vision

Our mission at Brinton Vision is to provide the best LASIK St Louis has to offer, and that includes prioritizing our patients’ comfort. From the moment you step into our office, we ensure that your experience is as smooth and painless as possible.

Our experienced eye doctors take the time to discuss your vision goals, answer any questions or concerns you might have, and meticulously plan your procedure to minimize potential discomfort. We believe that the more informed you are, the more comfortable you’ll be throughout the LASIK process.

During the procedure, we monitor your comfort levels closely. Our team is attuned to your needs, always ready to address any discomfort.

After the surgery, we provide clear, detailed instructions on post-operative care to ensure optimal healing and comfort. We also schedule routine follow-ups to monitor your progress, adjusting your recovery plan as necessary. We will be with you every step of the way on your LASIK journey.

In Conclusion: LASIK—A Virtually Painless Path to Clearer Vision

Does LASIK eye surgery hurt? The simple answer is, typically, no. LASIK is a quick, minimally invasive procedure using topical anesthetic and is designed to be as painless as possible. While mild discomfort may be experienced, it’s temporary and pales in comparison to the life-changing benefits of clearer vision.

At Brinton Vision, we are devoted to making your journey towards better vision a smooth and comfortable one. Our dedicated team, led by an experienced surgeon and vision correction specialty doctors, is committed to providing you with top-notch care before, during, and after your procedure.

So, if you’re tired of living with imperfect vision and the hassles of glasses or contacts, don’t let fear of pain hold you back. LASIK could be your first step towards a life of visual freedom and limitless possibilities.

Finally, while this article provides a general idea of what to expect from a LASIK procedure, individual experiences can vary. If you are considering LASIK, we strongly encourage you to consult with a qualified eye care professional who can offer personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

At Brinton Vision, we’re more than happy to guide you through this process. Remember, we are committed to providing the best LASIK St Louis has to offer, changing lives through the priceless gift of sight—one patient at a time.

Are you ready to take the next step in your visual freedom?

What is LASIK?

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) is a highly effective refractive surgery that is approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and is designed to correct common vision problems like myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), and astigmatism. The procedure reshapes the cornea—the clear front part of the eye—enabling it to better focus light onto the retina, thereby improving vision.

LASIK has evolved tremendously since it was first introduced over three decades ago. Today, it’s a precise, quick, and minimally invasive procedure, with a high satisfaction rate among patients. Furthermore, the goal of LASIK is to liberate patients from dependence on glasses or contact lenses, thus improving their quality of life. While it’s normal to ask “Is LASIK painful,” our experienced team is here to answer your questions and make sure your LASIK experience is not only life-changing but also comfortable.

Post-Procedure: What to Expect

After the procedure, patients might experience mild discomfort, such as a gritty sensation, dryness, itching, or the feeling of something in the eye. There may also be some sensitivity to light, glare, starbursts, or halos around lights. These are temporary and usually resolve within a few days to a week as the eye heals.

It’s crucial to avoid rubbing your eyes after LASIK during the initial healing phase as this could potentially dislodge the corneal flap. If you experience significant discomfort while your eyes heal, your surgeon can apply a bandage contact lens or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribe medication to help.

The healing process following LASIK surgery is generally rapid. Many patients notice an improvement in their vision immediately after the procedure, with continued improvements over the following days. A follow-up appointment will usually be scheduled within the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, and then at regular intervals for at least the first six months. At Brinton Vision we really are here for you every step of your journey to clear vision. Contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your LASIK recovery.

FAQ’s about Does LASIK Hurt

What should I do while I recover from LASIK?

  1. Follow all post-op instructions: Your surgeon will provide a detailed list of post-operative instructions. Following these guidelines closely will aid in a smooth recovery.
  2. Use prescribed eye drops: Eye drops are essential to prevent infection and inflammation, and to keep your eyes moist, promoting healing.
  3. Attend all follow-up appointments: Regular check-ups allow your surgeon to monitor your recovery and address any concerns promptly.
  4. Protect your eyes: Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays and reduce light sensitivity.
  5. Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can support healing and overall eye health.

How long does LASIK surgery take?

The actual LASIK surgery is remarkably quick, often completed within 10 to 15 minutes for both eyes. However, you should plan to be at the surgical center for about three hours to allow time for prep and post-operative instructions.

Can I drive home immediately after LASIK surgery?

No, you cannot drive yourself home immediately after surgery. Your vision may be a bit blurry, and you may be light-sensitive, so we rquire a driver on your day of surgery.

Will I be awake during LASIK surgery?

Yes, you will be awake during the procedure. However, your surgeon may give you a mild sedative to help you relax, and numbing drops are used to ensure your comfort.

What things should I not do while I recover from LASIK?

  1. Don’t rub your eyes: Rubbing your eyes can dislodge the healing corneal flap and slow the recovery process.
  2. Don’t skip using protective eyewear: Your surgeon will likely provide you with special eyewear to protect your eyes outside in the sun.
  3. Don’t drive immediately after surgery: You’ll need someone else to drive you home from the procedure, and you should avoid driving until your surgeon gives you the all-clear.
  4. Don’t use eye makeup or creams: Avoid these for at least a week after surgery to prevent rubbing your eyes to wipe them off.
  5. Don’t take a shower or wash your hair right away: Water and soap can irritate your eyes, so it’s best to wait before showering and avoid getting soapy water in your eyes until the next morning.
  6. Don’t participate in high speed water pports: These could potentially harm your eyes during the recovery phase. Always consult your eye doctor before returning to these activities.

How soon can I return to work after LASIK surgery?

The second most popular question patients ask after if laser eye surgery hurts is when can they return to work. Most people are able to return to work within a day following LASIK surgery. However, the timeline may vary based on your job requirements and personal healing progress.

Can LASIK fix presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)?

While traditional LASIK isn’t designed to correct presbyopia, there are other refractive surgery options available, such as custom lens replacement or monovision LASIK, which may help. Consult with your eye care professional for personalized advice.

Are the results of LASIK permanent?

While LASIK laser surgery permanently reshapes the cornea, it doesn’t prevent age-related vision changes such as presbyopia or cataracts. Regular eye exams are still essential for maintaining eye health post-surgery and monitoring for the signs and symptoms of these age-related eye conditons.

Can I wear makeup after LASIK surgery?

We advise patients to avoid wearing eye makeup for at least a week after surgery to prevent the urge to rub the eyes during makeup removal and ensure the healing process is undisturbed.

What happens if I blink or move during the procedure?

Modern LASIK procedures utilize advanced technology that tracks your eye movement. If you blink or move, the laser will automatically pause, ensuring the accuracy and safety of the procedure.

How long will I need to use eye drops after LASIK surgery?

Patients typically use prescription eye drops for a week following surgery, followed by lubricating eye drops for several weeks to months, depending on personal healing progress and comfort.

Can I exercise after LASIK surgery?

Exercise is generally safe soon after surgery. High-speed water sports may require additional precautions or longer recovery time.

Is LASIK suitable for everyone?

While LASIK can correct a wide range of refractive errors, it may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as corneal thickness, eye health, age, and lifestyle may influence whether LASIK is the best option for you. Brinton Vision offers LASIK and all of its modern variations. We will find the vision correction procedure that is best for your unique vision needs.

Can I undergo LASIK if I have dry eyes?

Severe dry eyes may affect the outcome of LASIK surgery. Therefore, it’s crucial to manage dry eye syndrome effectively before considering LASIK. Your LASIK surgeon will provide personalized advice and any recommendations about dry eye treatment during your consultation.

Does insurance typically cover LASIK?

Most health insurance plans consider LASIK a cosmetic procedure and do not cover any LASIK costs. However, Brinton Vision offers financing options to make the LASIK eye surgery cost affordable for everyone.

How long after LASIK until I can swim or use a hot tub?

To avoid potential infection or irritation, we recommend waiting at least one week post-surgery before swimming in a pool or using a hot tub.

Don’t let your questions or concerns about LASIK keep you from achieving the vision of your dreams. At Brinton Vision, we believe in the life-changing power of clear sight. Our dedicated team is ready to provide answers, allay your fears, and guide you on your path to visual freedom. If you’re ready to explore the best LASIK St. Louis has to offer, contact us today to schedule your consultation. The journey to your new life begins with a single, simple step. Reach out now to schedule your LASIK consultation, and let’s take it together.

Dr. Jason P. Brinton is an internationally recognized specialist in the field of LASIK and refractive surgery. He is a graduate of Harvard College, earned his medical doctorate from the Harvard Medical School and is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.