As a LASIK surgeon in St. Louis, every day I get to be part of changing the way people see the world. Options like LASIK plus its six modern variations give them the freedom to wake up and see their alarm clock, or to dive into a pool without worrying about contact lenses. Laser eye surgery is truly life-changing for anyone who has lived with the hassle of glasses or contacts.
Thanks to advances in science and technology, clear vision is now within reach for many people, even if they have been told in the past that they are not good candidates for LASIK. If you are considering LASIK, here are a few questions to ask yourself:
- Can you afford LASIK? You may be surprised to know that, despite the initial cost of laser vision correction, when you add up the costs of glasses or contacts, you’ll almost always save money in the long run. (Here’s a calculator to see for yourself.) In addition to standard methods of payment such as cash, checks, or credit cards, Brinton Vision is partnered with Care Credit to offer low-interest financing plans to fit most budgets. Another option is to use pre-tax health savings accounts (HSAs) and flex spending accounts (FSAs). We have seen the lives of thousands of patients improved by clear vision. They have seen for themselves that the more important question is, “Can I afford to not get LASIK?”
- Have I been diagnosed with astigmatism, dry eye, large pupils or thin corneas? In the past, these conditions often meant that LASIK was not an option. Today’s advanced diagnostics, state-of-the-art lasers, antting-edge procedures provide options—even for people who have been told they are not candidates.
- Are you affected by “over-40” vision? If you are over 40 and reading glasses have become part of your routine, you’re likely going through natural aging of the eyes, called presbyopia. The lens of the eye becomes less flexible and unable to focus on nearby print. Presbyopiao makes it difficult to see at night or in low-light conditions. Thankfully, presbyopia is a common problem that can be solved by new options in laser vision correction.
- Do you have a pre-existing condition? Certain health conditions such as diabetes, autoimmune-related diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc.), corneal scarring, collagen vascular diseases, keratoconus, glaucoma and ocular herpes are a few of the conditions that can affect whether or not you are a candidate for LASIK. Most of these issues do not necessarily mean you are not a candidate. In fact, if many of these conditions are under control, many people are still candidates for vision correction procedures. Talk to a qualified, experienced LASIK surgeon to make a plan for your vision future. Also, be sure to tell your ophthalmologist if you are taking steroids, immunosuppressants, Accutane, or other medications that may affect your vision.
- Are cataracts a concern? Not long ago, people had to accept the fact that cataracts would change the way we would see and enjoy life. Cataract surgery could help, but would not fully restore vision or allow visual freedom without glasses or cot lenses. Dr. Brinton is considered an expert in Refractive Lens Exchange, a procedure that not only allows you to have crisp, clear vision for the rest of your life, but it also means that you will never have to suffer from cataracts.
- Have you had previous vision correction surgery? Although LASIK does not wear off, presbyopia does eventually develop and may affect night or reading vision. Even if you have undergone an earlier version of LASIK, you may be a good candidate for vision correction surgery.
- Am I willing to take control of my vision future? It can be a bold move to break free of the chains of glasses and contacts to live the life you want to live. Not everyone is a candidate for LASIK, but you won’t know until you take control! You can begin by taking this quick quiz to determine if LASIK may be an option for you!
See what you’re missing! If you are looking for the best LASIK in St. Louis, call Brinton Vision at 314.319.4725, or visit to schedule an exam online.